The Great Goat Herd

American Alpines and Saanens

Our original milkers were all American Alpines registered with the American Dairy Goat Association. The American Alpine is known for its high quality milk and outgoing personality.  They are short on patience and don’t really like being told what to do.  We began cross breeding with Saanens in 2017. The Saanen’s have great udder structure and are a bit more mellow than their Alpine buddies. These hybrids are a well-balanced goat that is both durable and productive on a mostly all-forage diet. All of our goats have unique personalities, and like our own kids, all are challenging, energetic, and crafty!  Meet some of the herd below.

All-Star Milkers


The first time I saw Pastrňák she was 3 weeks old.  She jumped 3′ up to the wall and launched another 3′ up to the sky almost hitting the ceiling of the barn.  She hasn’t slowed down since.  Well maybe a little. A terrible mom, she looked at her first kid like it was some kind of demon when it was born and we had to hold her to let the kid nurse (but better now).  If you take all the rambunctious qualities of the Alpine goat and multiply by 6, you get Pastrňák.  If our farm was a prison movie, she’d be Steve McQueen.

Maple Creamie

Maple Creamie is a supermodel hybrid goat. Beautiful Maple Cream coat check. Great milker check. Great mom check. Affectionate and easy going check. Daughter of Carmel and Granddaughter of Mocha, she is pure dairy royalty. She had a fling with a duck but that’s over now.

Carmel Latte

Carmel is a very vocal goat.  When the baby monitor is on, she lets us know she has needs too.  She’s a large Alpine-Saanen hybrid with a fantastic udder.  She is big and strong and determined just like her mom, Mocha. She has raised many, many beautiful maple cream colored daughters that now make up a big part of the herd.

Big Girl

AKA Big Problem.  A pretty brown and black goat with an independent streak.  She often drifts away from the herd to do her own thing which is very un-goat-like behavior.


A pretty black and white daughter of Lucky. She is a little jumpy but she is coming along.

Baja Papillon

This escape artist goat is an Alpine with a lot of spunk and a map of Baja California on her nose.


Tuna is always a family favorite.  She is a great browser and “scout” goat who is always first to explore a new tree or bush.  So easy and gentle to work with, we love her.


AKA Needy Girlfriend.  She craves attention and has turned into a great milker.  Half sister of Molly.  She is a beautiful “cou clair” Alpine and has many large, beautiful daughters.


Mocha is queen of the herd and a gorgeous coffee-colored Alpine.  She’s so strong and powerful she can be tough to handle sometimes.  She has what we call a “broken machine-gun” and doesn’t sound like a goat when she calls out.  


A daughter of Carmel with a very athletic frame and high udder. She is pretty tough to handle but the milk is worth it.


A true princess from the Mocha line. Gorgeous, sweet and easy.


Ace’s mom was Lucky, one of the best milkers in GDD history. She is white with patchy maple coloring.